Drug delivery to the eye has always been an interesting and challenging field in pharmaceutical formulation and drug design. The aim of this research was the formulation development of thin erodible films for potential delivery of lopidine to treat glaucoma. Films were prepared using hyaluronic acid (HA) and hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) as polymers, together with glycerol (GLY) as plasticiser. Single layer films were prepared using each polymer individually, as well as in combination to obtain composite thin films. Various combinations and concentrations were optimised to reach the desired transparency, which were then characterised for their physico-chemical and mechanical properties. The following ratios were selected for drug loading: 2% HPMC, 1% HA, 1% composite (HPMC 1:1 HA) and 2% composite (HPMC 1.5:0.5 HA) with all of them containing a ratio of 2:1 polymer to plasticiser.
hydroxypropylmethylcellulose, hyaluronic acid, composite films
How to Cite
Tighsazzadeh, M. A. & Boateng, J. S., (2018) “Erodible Film Formulation for Potential Ocular Drug Delivery”, British Journal of Pharmacy 2(2). doi: https://doi.org/10.5920/bjpharm.2017.23