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Osteoporosis therapy initiation post-minimal trauma fracture


Aim: To determine the proportion of patients admitted to a major tertiary teaching hospital in Australia aged 50 years and older with a confirmed neck of femur or vertebral minimal trauma fracture, who are commenced on specific antiosteoporosis therapy by discharge, and to describe the agents prescribed. Methods: A retrospective analysis was conducted using patients’ electronic medical files of patients admitted with a minimal trauma fracture of the hip or vertebra during a 6 month period. Results: A total of 407 patients were audited and 64 patients were included in the study; 37 were admitted for a fractured hip and 27 were admitted for a vertebral fracture. Of these 64 patients, a total of 14 (21.9%) patients were commenced on specific anti-osteoporosis therapy. Denosumab (71%) was the most commonly initiated treatment, followed by risedronate (21%) then alendronate (7%). Conclusion: Majority of patients presenting to hospital with a minimal trauma fracture were not commenced on anti-osteoporosis therapy in hospital. This is a missed opportunity for intervention that may place patients at a higher risk of subsequent fracture; therefore effective strategies should be implemented to address this treatment gap in the future.


neck of femur fracture, minimal trauma facture, antiresorptives, osteoporosis

How to Cite

Etty-Leal, M., Tran, V., Kusmanoff, L., Pearce, D., Politis, A., Reynolds, L., Sepe, D. & Chan, V., (2019) “Osteoporosis therapy initiation post-minimal trauma fracture”, British Journal of Pharmacy 3(1), 1-8. doi:







Mary Etty-Leal (The Royal Melbourne Hospital)
Van Tran orcid logo (The Royal Melbourne Hospital)
Lara Kusmanoff (RMIT University)
Danielle Pearce (RMIT University)
Angelica Politis (RMIT University)
Lorenna Reynolds (RMIT University)
Daniela Sepe (RMIT University)
Vincent Chan (RMIT University)



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